4 out of 5 stars on Goodreads

By Elizabeth  Gauffreau on December 15th 2023

Farewell takes readers behind the scenes as members of an aging rock band must prepare for a new road tour their manager has booked for them to promote their latest studio album–much to their consternation. Given the money involved, aging gracefully is not an option. This ragtag bunch of middle-aged men gather at the lead singer’s mansion in Wales to rehearse as a live band again and nurse their various physical maladies brought on by age and the rock-and-roll lifestyle. Wives are along for extra conflict. Then someone turns up dead in the swimming pool. Overall, I found Farewell an entertaining and fun read. I particularly enjoyed the glimpse into the life of a rock band past its prime. I’ll never look at the Rolling Stones the same way again!



4 stars on Goodreads by Darlene Foster

September 25, 2023

A fun story about ageing rock stars who plan to do one more performance. They are obviously past their prime with damaged voices, prostate issues, back problems and of course the ravages of substance abuse. But they try to pull it together for one last hoorah when something bad happens that could destroy all of them. Will they pull it off in spite of all the odds against them? There are a lot of characters for a short story and difficult to get to know any one of them, but still an enjoyable read.
5 stars by D.G Kaye on 26th November 2023

I always enjoy Stevie’s books, and this one is no different. In this book five aging rock stars and their band named Kickback, are planning to do their farewell tour, but nothing is easy.

Every band member has health issues and are dealing with their issues while trying to get their jam sessions going. Seth is housing the band so they can practice their sessions and material for the tour. Baz finishes rehab and invites his new friend Steve, whom he met at rehab to join the sessions to fill in as backup singer for the tour because their regular fill in is Eddie who is already busy on a contract. But surprisingly, Eddie shows up with his girlfriend, dismayed to find Steve has become his replacement. All the band members like Steve, except of course, now Eddie, as well as Mick because he accuses Steve of hitting on his wife, which of course didn’t happen. And when a tragedy occurs at the house, the story turns into an interrogation by police to discover whether the tragedy was an accident or intentional.


4 stars from Sally Cronin on Goodreads on 20th January 2024

This is a short read but such an entertaining behind the scenes romp of an aging pop band and their long suffering wives and girlfriends.

There is no doubt that getting older comes with its wear and tear, but having toured and partied around the world for many years, these musicians have certainly become physically and in some cases mentally challenged. With various strategies in place to get them stage ready for their final tour to promote their new album, it becomes a race against time to get them fit enough to even sing a note or strum a guitar.

Enter a young and promising backing singer replacement and emotions and sometimes actions are going to create the perfect storm. Old friendships and new are tested to the limit and the reunion hits a discordant note.

As always the author creates wonderfully multi-layered characters, great dialogue and interesting twists in the plot. Well worth reading in one sitting. Recommended.


4 stars from Jan Sikes on  Goodreads on 22nd January 2024

This was a short fun read that I enjoyed. This book is a brief snapshot into the lives of an aging rock band and the health issues they are all dealing with. From tennis elbow, back problems, insomnia, throat issues, prostate and alcoholism, this author touched on it all.
And throw in an accidental murder and you've got a big story unfolding in these few pages.
It's hard to pick a favorite character, but I think it has to be Seth for me. He steps up and tries to protect his band mates and keep the peace, which is no easy task with a vixen named Sonia in the mix.
If you are looking for a quick, entertaining read that will whisk you away to England's countryside and into a different world, you will enjoy this book.
It is well written, and the pacing is fast and furious. I highly recommend it.


4 stars from D. Wallace Peach on  AmazonUS on 7th February 2024

4.0 out of 5 stars Aged band members deal with a murder

Reviewed in the United States on February 7, 2024

Verified Purchase

When members of a retired band are contractually compelled to go on one more tour, the aged musicians gather to practice at one of the member’s homes. The band is still popular and the guys get along relatively well. That’s not the problem. The challenge is that they’ve gotten old. Arthritis, prostate and weight issues, worn-out voices, addiction recovery, and some less-than-helpful wives get in the way. Then the newest member ends up dead, and the local detective starts an investigation.

The identity of the killer is revealed at the time of the murder, so this isn’t a whodunnit. Where the first half of the story focuses on the band, the second is primarily about how the detective follows the clues, and it unfolds in multiple points of view. None of the characters were especially emotional or likable, though I could definitely relate to their ailments!

The story took a couple of hours to read, more a novella than a short story. The characters were well-defined and distinct, and the pace moved along. Recommended to readers who enjoy stories related to the music industry, and police procedurals.


4 stars from D.L Finn on  Goodreads on 13/9/2024

A fun short story about an aging rock group pulling themselves together for a sold-out tour. They add in a new backup singer Baz met in rehab and head to get some practice in. The new guy, Steve, was my favorite character and the one I was rooting for. Wives and girlfriends were included in this reunion and mixed in were jealousy, some drug use, flirting, and band practice. It seemed to be pulling together when the old backup singer arrived. Everything changed one night when something terrible happened and the police became involved. A coverup starts. The killer's identity came as no surprise, but the unfolding of events proved fascinating. A different type of read for me that I enjoyed, especially the music part.
